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Books I am reading the past few weeks.

Some books I am reading that might be considered radical or about modern topics of legal studies.
Chan, Wendy & Chunn, Dorthy E. & Menzies, Robert. eds. Women, Madness and the Law: a feminist reader (London: The GlassHouse, 2005)
In this book I have read the introduction and the first two papers. These are:
Ussher, Jane M. Unravelling Women's Madness: Beyond Positivism and Constructivism and Towards a Material-Discursive-Interpsychic Approach
I just read this last night and understood it. I find the hope for better more humane treatment, fewer medications for women, and the idea of not seeing everything as mental illness, to be enlightening.
Kendall, Kathleen, Beyond Reason: Social Constructions of Mentally Disordered Female Offenders
I read the beginning of this and am almost finished this. It covers the history of criminal lunacy.
Sides, Charles H. Freedom of Information In A Post 9-11 World (Amityville, New York: Baywood, 2006).
I read the introduction of this book but not more yet.
Warren, Karen J. Ecofeminist Phiilosophy: A Western Perspective On What It Is And Why It Matters (New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000).
I read a little of this but really got nowhere with it.


Interesting... that's quite the list. I don't think I could bring myself to read any of those titles, as I have a long list of books on my TOREAD list (and I rarely can bring myself to focus on a book for any length of time). However, it would be interesting to chat with you on these topics some time.