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May 27, 2007

I managed to make a graph using R of my bank balance for 2006

I was able to download a years worth of bank transactions and then combine them in excel then save that file as a cvs file and then create a data frame in R of the transactions and then graph the balance for each transaction and then save the graph as a pdf file.

May 26, 2007

I am trying to buy a Xybernaut wearable computer on ebay.

I have been web shopping and found some Xybernaut wearable computers for sale on ebay. I have a bid in on one now but don't think I can afford this computer if the bidding goes to high.

May 25, 2007

Privacy on facebook

The US government spies on facebook. Hey I spy on facebook why not Uncle Sam?


Check out this presentation.
Does what happens in the Facebook stay in the Facebook?

May 21, 2007

I spent a few hours networking on Facebook.

I read an article yesterday about the popularity of Facebook in Toronto. Last night and this morning I networked with an old school friend who lives in Toronto. I also joined more software groups in Facebook. I posted some code and picture output from the code on Facebook.

I then did some paid web mastering. I am still doing paid web mastering now. I am adding links to the web site and proof reading and edittng other's blogs. But actually I did not need to change anything these people had written and only offered some encouragement to the bloggers so far today with my editting.

May 20, 2007

I attended the Montreal Anarchist bookfair.

I helped sell wobbly books for the anarchist bookfair. There were wobblies from many cities around North Amercia at the bookfair. Many of us went out and ate together afterward. I had a good day but smoked too much. I met some Scandinavians at the dinner and we talked economics and politics. I probably talked too much about myself. On the ride home with twenty something anarchists, I recounted my punk rock bands like some attention seeking punk. I also met a young lawyer who has an MA in legal stiudies from the school I studied a BA in legal studies from and we chatted a little about legal studies.

May 18, 2007

I am quiting the smoking of tobacco.

I am quitting smoking and cut down all week.

May 16, 2007

Electronic warfare

My iPod broke as soon as I went in the door to the anarchist shop. There must be radio warfare happening there.

May 13, 2007

I am standing up for rights behind a computer screen

I am not sure I am really the wimpy geek but it seems that way after chasing down insults on line, speaking up about abuse and compaining about insults at wobbly meetings, all by email! I fit the stereo type. Hiding behind my computer talking tough. But I am fully capable to stand up in real life too except for the threats of fascists where a gentler and safer diplomatic approach has been used in the past. I am glad I am free from these threatening socialisations and a lot safer too with wobbly insults.

I am back with goal setting and organising my time better.

Without so many pressures on my time like school work and work work at the same time, I am doing better at organising my time. I still manage to spend too much time behind the computer. But I managed to complete many household tasks today. I am so great I am probably a snob. I am also probably killing myself early with these long hightech like work life 30 hour days.

May 8, 2007

I passed both courses in my first term in grad school.

I passed both economic system's design and applied probability this term just past.

May 7, 2007

I am working all week.

I will be working all week in my government job.