
April 9, 2009

I voted in the Mountain Equipment Cooperative election again.

Again I have voted in the election of the board of directors for the one coop I belong too. I have also finally bought what I consider the signature item from MEC: a red cycling jacket. Also I have bought this past month new winter gloves for my partner and a rear rack pack. The rear rack pack now holds my tool kit, tires, tubes and pump. I also bought a new rear light as I broke my last one this winter cycling in a storm. I am not happy with the attachment that the present breed of cycling lights have they are far too flimsy. We also did not do well with the down jacket we bought my partner as it tears easily and is now full of taped up holes leaking down. My main concern is increasing quality of the gear we sell and buy. I voted for two experienced candidates and one newcomer. My grandfather who started as a farm educator in the working world was also into coops. So yes I respect elders.

August 28, 2007

The choice of low tech equipment worked this evening with some noise.

I provided my public address system to further the cause of proportional representation this evening.

May 7, 2007

I am working all week.

I will be working all week in my government job.

December 26, 2006

Shopping on the internet

I seem to get good information about sales from the web and then can go to the real world store and find what I want quickly.

September 8, 2006

We wobblies are having our general assembly.

The industrial workers of the world had our annual general assembly this past weekend. I could not attend.

July 22, 2006

Non-action, I slept in

Instead of attending the protest I got prepared for today's union meeting. I have three sign up kits and some dues stamps. This reminds me I need to write an agenda for today's union meeting.

July 21, 2006

I just used plain messages on my protest sign.

I wrote a lyric on one side of my sign which reads "War what is it good for? Absolutely nothing." On the other side I wrote "workers against war and violence". So these weren't bizarre or original statements. I now hope to sleep and get up on time for the rally.

July 4, 2006

I am preparing some Free CD's and DVD's for a school Frosh event on Free Culture.

I am using Bit Torrent to download some Debian CD's and will make copies for a school free culture Frosh event or other activity where I can give these away. I will also make some copies of the Project Gutenberg sample books DVD.

May 1, 2006

I spent May Day on a picket line.

A sister local is on strike. I was buying bus passes for my wife and I and then went to the picket line. These are cheaper bus passes for those of us with lower incomes and disabilities. So for less money than a regular adult pass which is what I used to pay we get two bus passes. So after buying these passes I went outside in front of a large convention centre where a sister local is walking the line on strike. I talked with them each a bit and carried a sign for about an hour. What prompted this was an email from a company saying an event I was to attend this week at this convention centre would go ahead even with the strike. So I replied to the email saying I would not attend and then decided to attend the picket line.

I was able to forget about cyberspace while I was walking the line. But when I came home I started to install statistics software on my Debian laptop. I was successful and am just starting up R and burning a CD of school work files that include some R code and data from an old data mining course. I am testing this code and if it works I will be presenting a talk on R at a local linux user group may be next month. I will attend this meeting tomorrow to get an idea of how these meetings go. So tonight I have been tinkering with Linux and watching NHL hockey on TV.