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March 28, 2011

Margarite did, in fact, succeed in inventing two Black Ops battleship blueprints out of four attempts.

Margarite is only three days away from having all four race encryption and starship engineering skills trained to level V. Years ago she had volunteered as her corporation's Amarr engineer and had eventually trained both Amarr skills to V. This took months because she trained other skills too. She managed quite quickly to pick up the other race skills except for Minmatar encryption which is only three days from completion of training to level V

This prologue is only a hint that her perfect skills made the chances of succeeding at this invention of Tech II battleships that much more likely. She used two decryptors and one succeeded yielding a -2 material efficiency blueprint meaning much less materials are needed to construct the ship. The other success was from one of the two invention attempts without decryptors and this of course yielded a -4 material efficiency blueprint that will cost more in material amounts to build the ship.

She has built all the parts for the first ship now except for the microprocessors. She will not be building the microprocessors soon, as the price of one of the materials for these microprocessors, namely the nanotransistors, is much too high on the market now. In all, the nanotransistors on Tech II ships are the most expensive material and definitely affect the cost of building more than other materials. So she waits for the price to fall on nanotransistors.

March 24, 2011

Margerite is now trying to invent Black Ops battleship class Tech II ships.

The chances of successfully inventing a Tech II battleship start around 20%. Margarite can get this up to the mid 20's range with skills and decryptors. She is trying to invent some Widow black op ships for corp mates and also a Sin Gallente black op ship for herself.