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Peter set up some particle effects devices he bought

Peter set up his Academy of Second Life 27 prim beach house again and was able to restore the cubicles and stairs. He could only save two desks of the four he bought in 2006 so the cubicles were starting to look empty with the cubicle divider looking like a bar. Figuring this looked like a pub Peter put in a fireplace he had gotten for free from Yanni's Free Junkyard. Not stopping here he made an outside chimney and then searched for chimney smoke and found a particle effects store. He explored this quite extensively using the new "objects found here" tab in the search function. So in the end he bought some smoke for the chimney but also bought some falling leaves in three different colours and set these up on a few trees beside the new drop in.

So he now has a stretch of land consisting of about five 512 sq m parcels joined along the long side with the backs of these going up to a cliff and the fronts joining some long parcels stretched out along the front of the 512's. and then down a hill into the rest of the sim. At one end of this plateau, because it is a cliff behind and hill in front, is the new drop-in house he built himself and at the other end is the beach house known as Crystal Computing Web Design. In the middle is a green field with benches like an open air auditorium with some trees behind the benches.

He now wants to explore the particle lab at Teal 212, 46, 295 as featured in Torley Linden's YouTube video tutorial #28.


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