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The new ship: an Exequror

So Margarite is now flying an Exequror described before she bought it as a good mining ship. She is mining right now in a system 1 jump from her home. She is mining for manufacturing supplies. Mining is much easier now with larger cargo mostly. More Mining improvements will be made soon to the ship. She was just buying a blueprint for a Miner I in a near by system. She hopes to have two Miner I's on her ship and two 250 mm tech II rail guns. At the moment she has one Miner I and two 150 mm tech I rail guns. But after looking at the skill required for the heavier rail guns she figures she will stick with her 150 mm for now. So basically as this entry is being completed she has 4 Miner I's in production and that will give her three to sell and one for her ship. But actually because she has some extending ming to do she may outfit her ship with three Miner I's and only one rail gun while she mines in safe systems for the next few days. So that is the high slots described for now.

In other production runs she has her biggest run yet happening now until after extended downtime today with 8 Navitas frigates being made. She also has three for sale right now. So her production is still focused around making stuff for new players. Her miner I's will be ready in about half an hour but her Navitas will not be ready until this evening around dinner. She is logging out for an hour or so now.

Her next move should be some extended mining runs to make 3 million ISK to buy the Logic skill book. Speaking of skills she is going to stop training Electronic Upgrades now and start training Instant Recall. This will be following the plan suggested my Eve Monitor. So she is logging back in to make that change in training. Then she will log out right away.