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Margarite is busy mining

Margarite is trying to focus the activities on only mining until she can afford the 25,000,0000 ISK she needs in the Eve Monitor suggested plan. At the moment and possibly the next 52 days her sister far away is training her self up one level for each skill she was born with. Of course, starting with learning skills. But this means that while the Alt character trains Margarite can not train.

Margarite has learned this evening to practice mining without orbiting around the asteroid. When she does this she stops the ship and if she stops it correctly she is pointed to the nearest space station for a quick get away if needed.

This evening playing for a planned two hours, no more, she has so far done four mining runs. These were all uneventful and routine. The first two were for concentrated Veldspar and she sold all the Tritanium and brought her self up to 1.6 Million ISK. The second two trips were mining for concentrated Scrodite and she kept all the minerals she mined. Her plans at the moment are for four more concentrated Veldspar runs. She will sell the last two. She will mine the first two more runs then she will set some frigates into production. Then two more Veldsapr that she will sell and be up at 1.7 Million and then that will be when she retires for the night.

Her plans succeeded. She did though encounter battle with low level pirates and they knocked out one of her mining drones. This was on her last run. She was only on for two hours in total. She was able to set 18 Navitas frigates into production. She needed to buy 2.000 ISK worth of Isogen to do all 18 frigates and she had already mined Mex and bought other materials last weekend. The 18 frigates should net about 380,000 ISK when they are all sold. She left those in production for her return and she was at 1.77 mil ISK when she logged off.