Margarite will not be able to afford a Retriever before downtime; but may be later after downtown she will afford her next ship.
She has just shy of 3 million ISK now in her wallet. But she needs 5.2 million for the Retriever ship she wants. She will not be able to make up this difference in this one remaining run. So that means she will not be able to buy the Retriever before downtime. She may, in fact, need about 5 or 6 more runs to get enough ISK. A full can run for her Iteron III capacity seems to be taking half an hour when things go smoothly. She can not assume the runs will go as smoothly after downtime. But she may have enough ISK to make a delivery contract for the Retriever at a good appealing price by 16:00 Eve time today.
She considered buying Covert Ops with her present funds so that she would be buying before downtime but has now decided that would not be smart. So until after downtime then.
Well before she could finish this post and just before the end of her run, the pirates did attack. She beat them quick with her cruiser. She looted their cargos. Now her Iteron is salvaging them and she has emptied her cargo container full of Azure Plagioclase. And now she is docking safely for downtime. She will just have time in station to refine the ore and count her ISK if she sells the processed minerals.
And now as downtime is here she has 3.5 million ISK making half a million from that run. She is training Caldari Frigate to level 3 and should be flying a Retriever by early Wednesday evening. She spent close to 2 million ISK on other unplanned skill books today.