The ships that were sold to buy the PLEX.
In an effort to save real money, Margarite is flying on PLEX time or earned time. To make the final 50 mil towards her PLEX she sold her Taranis and her Helios. She did not fly these and could not fly the Taranis yet as she did not have the skills for it. She also rarely flew her Helios and never flew it for its purpose. Since the Viator and Occator can use cloaks she uses the cloak on the Viator. She also uses a cloak on her Keres. She learned cloaking to fly an Arazu which she also does not yet have skills for because she still needs another 16 days to train Cruiser to level 5. Also the Arazu is a specialty recon ship meant for PVP. Marge generally avoids the sharp edge of PVP. Part of her game technique is, in fact, successful avoidance of PVP.