« Margarite completed some solo Jet Can mining today but this is just the beginning of her long day. | Main | Margarite is mining a scanned site this weekend. »

The long day continues now flying in the Occator, as Margarite picks up a mexallon contract and buys datacores for invention of tech II ammo.

The Occator Margarite has been flying almost exclusively is a great long space travel ship for carrying large amounts of materials and thus is a good trade ship. Today while mining a corp mate offered some mexallon on contract at 28 ISK. So after loading up with the minerals from the days mining Margarite traveled 27 jumps to pick up the mexallon from the contract. Once here she started the many jumps back back to the production home world. She also needed to buy more datacores for the corporation ammo production. She has almost now purchased what she needs and is picking up these datacores and making her way home again.