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August 19, 2012

Building Mackinaws to raise isk for a pilot's license renewal.

Margarite and a corp mate are building mining barges. The Mackinaw is an ice mining barge that has seen some upgrades recently. Margarite and her corp mate purchased some Retriever blueprint copies and invented some Mackinaw blueprints and are now building the ships. Margarite has built and sold one and has another on the assembly lines. Selling two of these will almost cover Margarite's pilot license renewal this month.

Margarite also bought a Procurer mining barge original bluerprint and invented about five Skiff blueprints with three runs each for a total of 15 Skiffs possible.

August 3, 2012

The first Anshar is built and sold.

Margarite completed building an Anshar and had it sold before it was even into the factory lines. The pilot who bought it made it possible to complete the job which was very expensive with the high fulleride prices. The prices of fullerides are now lower so Margarite is building a lot of Tech II ships as are other corp mates.