Submitted by Peter Timusk on Wed, 01/03/2018 - 07:40
I plan to buy two more Fender Telecaster Thinline guitars in natural finish. One is call a Jim Atkins P-90 because it is similar to a guitar Jim Atkins plays and has two P-90 single coil pickups. The other is an Elite Mahogany Fender Thinline. These are both on layaway at a national chain music store's local shop.
Submitted by Peter Timusk on Mon, 01/01/2018 - 21:35
I am making a New Year's resolution to do music study every day of the new year. One lesson and/or one practice and/or one reading or study. This could even include just listening to some music as part of a study plan.
Submitted by Peter Timusk on Sun, 12/31/2017 - 22:16
I tired just now plugging in my Fender Jazz bass into the Moog Sub 37 but this did not result in much. I need to read the manual of the Sub 37 some more before getting this working. I think the audio in also just adds feedback or acts as a colour rather than a full control signal. I think full control would only come from a MIDI input. I know there are also Voltage Control Oscillators possible as inputs on the side panel of the Sub 37.
Submitted by Peter Timusk on Sat, 12/30/2017 - 23:45
I purchased a Moog Sub37 from the local music chain store. It is too much fun with electricity and is amazing through my small bass amplifier.
Submitted by Peter Timusk on Thu, 08/04/2016 - 01:57
I am seriously lucky to have been able to get to know more about Carol Kaye and her music. Also luckily I bought some of her books and lessons from her web site and have been gradually studying her tips for playing the bass. I have also been hearing her music and of course who has not heard "Mission Impossible" and now having studied a bit of her techniques, I can now manage this riff in "Mission Impossible" much better.
Submitted by Peter Timusk on Mon, 08/01/2016 - 12:11
I bought last winter a new short scale bass. It is a Fender Classic Player Rascal bass. It was fairly expensive given the currency conversion to Canadian dollars from US dollars.
Submitted by Peter Timusk on Thu, 07/09/2015 - 02:25
I am managing to continue to practice with all four fingers for rhythm. I have always used all four fret board fingers although my pinky is not the best and will not fret properly or will bend a note around the 12th fret area. I tend to not have learned rhythm and have little developed rhythm knowledge even in common era theory which has held me back as a bassist.
Submitted by Peter Timusk on Sun, 06/28/2015 - 11:02
I can manage to play the rhythm part of my song "Sweet Romance". This is a song I wrote in the late 1980's and performed once at an open mic at Rasputin's a folk club in Ottawa. It was played many times in the bands the Mechanic City Psychos and Flynche where I played the bass and sang the vocals. Yesterday I played it on my Les Paul Jr. into my Fender Hotrod Deluxe amplifier.
Submitted by Peter Timusk on Sat, 06/27/2015 - 23:15
I am updating a mental health blog daily again. I did one anonymously from 2003 to 2007. Now I am doing another one.
Submitted by Peter Timusk on Fri, 06/19/2015 - 22:27
I am building this web site more today. I added some tabs to organize audio and video content.