
Fender Kingman bass

I am deciding to buy a Fender Kingman acoustic bass. I will finance the purchase with the stores own financing.

Putting my guitars and basses in their cases.

I just decided to put all my seven guitars into cases. I also have two Fender electric basses I put in cases. They say, this is the best way to store your guitars. Of course you do not stand the cases up either.

Audio input on the Moog

I tired just now plugging in my Fender Jazz bass into the Moog Sub 37 but this did not result in much. I need to read the manual of the Sub 37 some more before getting this working. I think the audio in also just adds feedback or acts as a colour rather than a full control signal. I think full control would only come from a MIDI input. I know there are also Voltage Control Oscillators possible as inputs on the side panel of the Sub 37.

Learning from Carol Kaye

I am seriously lucky to have been able to get to know more about Carol Kaye and her music. Also luckily I bought some of her books and lessons from her web site and have been gradually studying her tips for playing the bass. I have also been hearing her music and of course who has not heard "Mission Impossible" and now having studied a bit of her techniques, I can now manage this riff in "Mission Impossible" much better.

Brand new short scale bass

I bought last winter a new short scale bass. It is a Fender Classic Player Rascal bass. It was fairly expensive given the currency conversion to Canadian dollars from US dollars.

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