I was fixing up this old clamshell iBook macintosh computer and went broke doing it. I offered to give it to my partner who has never owned a computer and does not really use computers. She has accepted and this is a first step in digital divide work with my partner. Her friend has just taken a job at an Internet café.
I am reading Goldman, Emma. Anarchism, and Other Essays (New York: Dover, 1969). Yesterday I read the essay on marriage. Her statistics about divorce do need to be updated but her conclusions and support for her thesis are still supported by our present day statistics. I found this essay to read in the book because someone had written a note in the book, saying there was a great quote in the essay. I assume this essay was read by the Beatles as it was very pro-love. Also John Lennon read a lot and this would have been available to him or to writers he did read who may have repeated the thesis. I trace my lyric listening personal history thus taking a path of reducing internal monologue as per Carlos Castaneda's lessons from Don Juan.
The iBook I bought actually works I just need a new power adapter for it. I bought one on ebay and just need to wait for it to be shipped to me.
I completed reading Donna Haraway's paper written in the 1980's. Here is the cite: Haraway, Donna. A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s in Haraway, Donna. The Haraway Reader (New York: Routledge, 2004) at 7-45. This is the paper that inspired me to establish this web site.