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Margarite is working more with her corporation but we can not give details. She is getting good advice

Ever worried about PVP Margarites corporation has to keep its secrets so she can not blog details like locations and whereabouts. She is learning to show info of other pilots in the systems she is in. This way she can identify the pirates and the good guys.

She has been mining with other corp members and doing quite well with about 4 million ISK per mining run. She mines in 0.5 sec space now. This means she can mine her own Isogen which is the fourth most common mineral and second sort of "out of training" mineral she encountered. Up to this point she has had to buy Isogen to make things with it. Now she can mine it on her own but needs to get refining to level 5 before she can train Omber processing. Omber ore is what produces Isogen.

She flew the Retriever for the the first time last night with Strip Miners.

She also is being advised to fly a Catalyst for salvage and clean up of missions. It has taken her a week now and she still does not have the Catalyst she bought fitted to the ideal. She did buy the blueprint for Small Tractor Beams I and is now making these in the past two days. She needs to make her self three of these for her Catalyst and she needs four salvagers. These are seven high slots but the Catalyst will take 8 and is a tech I destroyer class ship. It is also a cheap ship. This reminds her she should buy the blueprint for this ship.

Her security status is now 0.07.