Fender Kingman bass

I am deciding to buy a Fender Kingman acoustic bass. I will finance the purchase with the stores own financing.

I may have enough guitars for now!

I cashed in a layaway so rather than eventually
get a used Cabronita Telecaster Thinline I instead
am instead getting 200$ or so dollars back from the music store.

Putting my guitars and basses in their cases.

I just decided to put all my seven guitars into cases. I also have two Fender electric basses I put in cases. They say, this is the best way to store your guitars. Of course you do not stand the cases up either.

I have the new Jim Adkins Thinline Telecaster home from the store now.

I have the new Telecaster home now. It has a rosewood finger board unlike the other Telecaster natural Thinlines I am buying. For awhile there I was swearing by rosewood as better than maple. Then I was learning it made no real different in a good player's hands. I did find the Thinline with maple a faster playing guitar. I enjoyed playing and tuning up the guitar at home today. It is nice and shiny and a brand new guitar.

The 72 Telecaster thinline might be my next and last thinline Telecaster for awhile

This particular Telecaster has humbucking pickups which may have been relatively new in 1972. This would be another Telecaster thinline with different pick ups for my collection.

I am buying a few more Fender Thinline Telecaster guitars with different pickups in each guitar.

I have really enjoyed owning a Fender Telecaster Thinline guitar for a year now. I am now buying two more each with different style pickups. One a Jim Atkins model has two P90 pickups. This P90 is the same pickup as is in my Les Paul Jr.. The next Thinline I am buying has dual Fideli'Tron humbucking pickups. I enjoy the weight of these guitars as they are super light weight being semi hollow body.

Focusing on my statistics work rather than music work these past few days.

I look longingly over at the Moog Sub 37 phatty but do not play it. I pluck the strings of the American Standard Jazz bass while it rests in the stand but do not play it. I am really focusing on my job that allows me to purchase these instruments.

Using my Dell Linux Ubuntu Studio laptop with Ardour 5 as my Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) tonight.

I set everything up using my M-Audio Pre analog to digital interface and it seems to pass the signal of a Shure SM 95 condenser microphone and my Fender 69 Classic Player Thinline Telecaster to the Digital Audio Workstation's bus on the mixer window. I may just do some test recording but nothing serious tonight. Just serious testing of the hardware and software and connections. So far the Moog is not involved or patched in. I do have one more USB port on the Dell Ubuntu Studio computer I could send the Moog MIDI over USB to and see if it connects into the Ardour DAW.

Slow blues picking on a resonator guitar is nice

I took up my resonator guitar today and decide to intentionally play very slow blues picking. I lost the sound I had the other day on the Telecaster of Beatles' melodies but gained more authentic slow blues sounds.

Playing 12 bar picking on the six string.

I am often just picking the major scale to do twelve bar picking. I am usually starting this in A Major on the low E string with my second finger at the fifth fret first finger at the fourth fret.


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