A. P.ost P.sychiatric L.eisure E.xperience
Welcome to the other A.P.P.L.E. drop-in home page. This is not the official home page. For the new offical page click this link www.geocities.com/apple_csi
Started as a drop-in in the mid eighties, APPLE will probably be a happening thing in the mid nineties. APPLE stands for "a post-psychiatric leisure experience." Well, towards leisure we play as many games as possible. Euchre is our most common card game. Also we like hearts at present.
We are a democratic organisation which many people are responsible for maintaining. We also have a few staff opportunities but are not employing any of a professional staff. We do rely on professionals from CSDI and also the Canadian Mental Health Association. We are a small group and we like other non-profit groups have quarrels and everything else that goes with involving so many people to survive.
In the past we have spent a lot of time having fun. Lately we have spent a little money educating the membership in health care. Times are tough so our group hopes to fill those cracks in the social fabric with good times. Good times means good friends, good coffee and a little free food each and every week.
This was the description of A.P.P.L.E. that the web master wrote when president of A.P.P.L.E. and was published in 1994 by the Consumer/Survivor Information Resource Centre in Toronto for the CSDI Projects booklet.
Links to other, pages/sites I have found on the net that were my issues at A.P.P.L.E..
Visit these sites at your own risk, A.P.P.L.E., it's members, employees or directors are not responsible for these sites. Although most of these links are made with the permission of the webmaster on the linked site.
Web master of this page: Peter Timusk, Honorary Member of A.P.P.L.E.
A.P.P.L.E. is located at 211 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Phone number: 238-1209