Federal election office Volunteer and volunteer recognition, November 2000.
Green Party AGM Convention-Ottawa 2000, volunteer July-August 2000.
Office volunteer Green Party Ontario election office( 595 Bank Street, (613) 860-1330 ), May 1999.
Fund raising with ex members and potenital members, April & May 1999.
E mail participation within the Green Party of Canada policy discussion list, 1994-2000.
Researcher for the Coaliton to Oppose the Arms Trade, 1998.
Volunteer manager of volunteers, Canadian Solar Discovery Challenge, Ottawa stop one day, 1996.
Green Party candidate canvassing, 1995.
Fund Raising and petition volunteer; campaign to declare Nuclear Weapons Illegal,1993.
Earth Day, 1992, Volunteer(planning, events, fund raising, and public relations) .
Ottawa Peace and Environment Resource Centre, office volunteer, Walk for Peace and Social Justice table volunteer, garage sale, 1991-1992.
Potential Federal candidate(Ottawa Centre), 1988.
Green Peace Foundation canvasser, 1984.
Green Party candidate canvassing, 1984.
Green Party of Ontario table and Carleton Green Club, 1983.
A peace rally to appose the testing of the cruise missle by the USA in Canadian air space. The protesters are gathered at Parliment Hill the seat of the elected government of Canada. This happened during the cold war.
I helped with the groups below and still find some time to get out and volunteer with community groups. I have doubts for my own political will to get things done but during events or meetings I stick out assigned tasks but if they ask for too much, I stay home. :)Q Statement of involvment in Peace movement groups:
Like to visit the world government then visit the UN web site and,THINK GLOBALLY!.
If your interested in my studies of the globe in a traditional way with pattern recognition check out my bilingual pageWhat's the World about at School?Which is written in two languages: Estonian-English.
For those interested in science and rivers you can check my school papers from courses at Carleton University at: Study hydrology with Pete.
Carlington Community Health Centre Collective Kitchen
Psychiatric Survivors of Ottawa
Ottawa Citizens for Safe Cycling
Centrepoint Volunteer Theatre Company
The Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade
The National Museum of Natural Sciences
Amnesty International web site
The Industrial Workers of the World(IWW) web site
The Ottawa General Membership Branch Home Page of the IWW
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Earth Day Ottawa
The Ottawa Peace and Environment Resource Centre
Greenpeace International web site
The New Democratic Party web site
The Green Party of Canada Web Site
Have a peacefull Internet experience.
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