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The Underground Resume

You are now in the realm of the Underground. You can link to a list detailing Peter's not so famous music career or his promotional activities in the 1980's. You realize that thousands of people took to the streets around the world to protest the bomb and the cruise missile. This is related to Youth Culture Promotions and the formation of the Green Party. As to music, basically, Peter plays bass and has played for a number of bands each with at least one gig. But don't feel threatened, the label Underground can mean different things to different people.
And you can browse my bass resume for the nineties or even read the names of the bands I have been in since starting to play bass. Some of the band names are linked to web pages with photos from the bands. Further the YCP page can link you to a picture of another arts volunteer from YCP. Further there's my resume from working as a stagehand with the National Arts Centre.
The Green Party and Ottawa Community involvement link might be considered my resume as a volunteer in every thing good from the National Museum of Nature to a simple coffee and cards drop-in (A.P.P.L.E.). There are links there to many non-profits in various causes.
The first link is to a short story, which I hope to write while it's on-line and too lengthen it into a novel. The story has a sort of cyberspace theme with telephones, math, and computers as story elements.

Read about a literary project I am involved in with other virtual writers at:

I have been writing and keeping my poems since about 1981 and my brother has prepared a web space (Pete's Poetry) where you can browse these poems and read more autobiography.
I have just added some Photographs of myself taken with a Quickcam. Check these out they are weird and loveable.
Read some Cyber punk fiction in a continuing story.

Nand Symptom by Peter Timusk

Visit my Poetry Web Site.

Pete's Poetry

Browse the Photogallery.

Pictures of Peter


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This page updated last on August 6th, 2002.

Some Graphics ©1999 The Outer Rim.