
Legal and Philosophy Studies Papers from Carleton

You can click on the links below to read on-line my legal studies school papers. I studied an introduction to legal studies course in 1998-1999. I went on in 2001-2002 to study Criminal law but there were no essays from this course. In the summer of 2002 I took my first course in criminology. The topic covered was Wrongful Convictions. You can read my paper from that course. At this point I entered the honours BA program in legal studies. In the winter of 2003, I studied Law in the Information Society. The papers for that course are below. Included is a link to a web essay about hacker ethics for a computer ethics course completed in the fall of 2000.  In a summer course in 2003 I took Private Law Relationships, the full term paper is now published here. In fall 2003 I  studied Criminal Justice Reform where I had a journal, a pamphlet, and an opinion paper on a debate in this area of law. Some of these are available on www.webpagex.org my computer ethics web site. I also studied Consumer Law in fall of 2003, but wrote no essays in that course. In winter 2004 I studied Legal Issues in Ecommerce and have a term paper published below.
(note at this point I started to publish with Open Office rather than simply Netscape Composer so the footnotes are a little different and  perhaps more comforming to html standards.)
In winter 2004 I also studied the core course in the honours BA in legal research methods and have not put the content on-line. In Spring 2004 I completed a workshop in Criminal Justice and Social Policy and have the term paper published below. In the full term 2004-2005 I wrote an honours research paper on computer crime questioning the criminality of unauthorised access to computers. In fall 2004 I also studied a course in drug law and wrote a paper looking at forced and voluntary treatment for drug addictions. In the summer of 2005 I completed the last required core course in the honours BA a course in public law. In this course I went back to the same topic as my first legal studies course judical review and answered the question who best to write the law politicans or judges and concluded that it doesn't matter the lower classes in Canada will never write the law. This paper will be the last on this list for awhile. I am in my final term in the BA and studying a course in criminal law and politics and there will be no paper. I should graduate after this term officially at the end of February and attend the graduation ceremony in June 2006. Then it is on to graduate school for me I hope in fall 2006.

Note: stealing my papers and passing them off as yours could get you thrown out of school. It would be wise to write your own especially as law changes very day.

Introduction to Legal Studies(51.100)(1998-1999)

Course Description

LAWS 1000 [1.0 credit] (formerly 51.100)

Introduction to Legal Studies

Concepts, sources, nature and function of law; law and social change; historical and constitutional foundations of the Canadian legal system; common and civil law traditions; statutory interpretation and precedent; legal institutions; the role of judges, lawyers and lay persons; accessibility; alternative dispute resolution.

Lectures two hours a week and group workshops one hour every second week.

Course outline link

 <http://carleton.ca/law/outlines/f98/100bv-f98.htm> (Cited June 25, 2004)

The first term in the fall was about legal philosophy and general definitions of law and exploration of the branches of law. There were three questions on the term assignment based on the famous case of R. vs. Dudley and Stevens.

First term question one.

If two people Jane and Jack are drowning at sea and there is a floating plank that will only support one person, and Jack gets on the plank is he guilty of murder? He can see that Jane is drowning and he can paddle the plank to her. The question is not only is he guilty of murder but would the Judge in a famous case have found him guilty of murder. The case involved survival on the high seas through murder and cannibalism.

First term question two.

Same people as in question one but now Jack is on the plank and Jane gets on and pushes him off. Is she guilty of murder? Again making reference to the famous case.

First Term question three.

The third question asked us to consider the situation when both got on the plank which will not support them both and they both drown.

The second term assignment was to explore an issue in criminal law and look at tensions between the rights of the accused and the rights of the public. At the same time we were to learn about Judicial review and given some direction to explore the better person between Judges and Politicians to have final say on questions of rights.

My assignment is below on the link.

Child Pornography and Enforcing the law.

Course Description

LAWS 2004 [1.0 credit] (formerly 51.204)

Criminal Law in Context

Canadian criminal process; nature and purpose of criminal law; criminal acts distinguished from civil wrongs; origins and development of principles and procedures; categories of criminal conduct; role of enforcement agencies and courts; criminal correction; relationship between criminal activity and deviant behavior.

Prerequisite: LAWS 1000.

Lectures three hours a week.

Course outline link

<http://carleton.ca/law/outlines/f01/204dv-out.f01.pdf> (Cited June 25, 2004)

no papers written for LAWS2004.

 Law in the Information Society (LAWS3501, former 51.351)(winter 2003)

Course Description

LAWS 3501 [0.5 credit] (formerly 51.351*)

Law in the Information Society

Legal responses to challenges of the information society. Topics may include privacy, surveillance and monitoring, access to information, freedom of expression, control of objectionable content, Charter and human rights issues, and security.

Prerequisite: one of LAWS 2003, or LAWS 2004, or LAWS 2005 or permission of the Department.

Lectures three hours a week.

Course outline link

<http://carleton.ca/law/outlines/f02/3501a-f02-out.pdf> (Cited June 25, 2004)

We were assigned two positon papers to write in this course. These covered our required texts. We were also assigned a major paper.

Position Paper #1
The legal scholars’ grip on the legal issues within various cyberspaces.

Position Paper #2
The Privacy debate losses and more losses in cyberspace.

Major Paper at Web Page X. www.webpagex.org
Volunteerism, public information, and the open regulation of the information society.

Introduction to Private Law Relationships (LAWS2003, former 51.203)(summer 2003)

Course Description

LAWS 2003 [1.0 credit] (formerly 51.203)

Private Law Relationships

Origins and scope of modern private law relationships; values espoused by legal personality, property and obligations arising from contracts, torts and the law of restitution will be studied; interaction of private law categories; role of the state in ordering private relations.

Prerequisite: LAWS 1000.

Lectures three hours a week.

Course outline link

not available at time of writing.

Term Paper

Starson v. Swayze SCC 2003 Consent to treatment for mental illness


Course Description

LAWS 3205 [0.5 credit] (formerly 51.325*)

Consumer Law

Need for consumer protection in the provision of goods and services; traditional legal protection by statute and common law; legislative responses to consumer pressures; judicial response in recent Canadian, English and American law; reform of consumer law.

Prerequisite: LAWS 2003, BUSI 2601 or BUSI 2602.

Lectures three hours a week.

Course outline link

Not available at time of writing.

Papers were not written in the above course.

Course Description

LAWS 4305 [0.5 credit] (formerly 51.435*)

Criminal Justice Reform

Social transformation and criminal justice reform. Theoretical and practical reasons for the use of criminal law as an instrument of social control. Specific reform initiatives and processes. Alternate responses to social problems.

Prerequisites: LAWS 2004 or LAWS 2304 and fourth-year Honours standing.

Seminars three hours a week.

Course outline link

<http://www.carleton.ca/law/outlines/f03/4305a-f02-out-rugge.pdf> (Cited June 25, 2004)

Term Papers

See www.webpagex.org for term papers.

Course Description

LAWS 3907 [0.5 credit] (formerly 51.397*)

Legal Research Methods

Basic methods in the design and execution of research projects in law in a social sciences context. Research principles; theoretical approaches; law-related materials and research procedures. Computer-assisted legal research; problem solving, bibliographic and citation skills.

Prerequisites: Any two of LAWS 2003, LAWS 2004, or LAWS 2005 and Honours standing.

Seminars three hours a week.

Course outline link

<http://www.carleton.ca/law/outlines/f03/3907d-f03-out-haslip.pdf> (Cited June 25, 2004)

Term papers not yet on the web.

Course Description

LAWS 4204 [0.5 credit]

Legal Issues in eCommerce

An examination of selected legal topics relevant to the conduct of electronic commerce. Topics include types of regulation, government support, jurisdiction challenges, contract disputes and consumer protection. Court and alternative dispute resolution policy of Domain Names challenges are also included.

Precludes additional credit for Law 51.429*B if taken in 2000-01 or 2001-02.

Prerequisite: LAWS 2003.

Lectures and discussions three hours a week.

Course outline link

<http://www.carleton.ca/law/outlines/f03/4204a-f03-out-campbell.pdf> (Cited June 25, 2004)

Term Paper

Secure Electronic Signatures, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, (2000), and Consumer Transactions Involved in Ecommerce.

Course Description

LAWS 4701 [0.5 credit] (formerly 51.471*)

Special Topic in Criminal Justice and Social Policy

Examination of a selected topic in criminal justice and social policy. Topics to be announced well in advance of registration each year. This course is part of the Summer School in Criminal Justice and Social Policy and is offered by the Department of Law. (Also listed as SOWK 4701 and SOCI 4701.)

Prerequisite: fourth-year Honours standing or permission of the Department.

Course outline link

<http://www.carleton.ca/law/outlines/s04/4701a-s04-out-mcnaught.pdf> (Cited June 25, 2004)

Term Paper

Legal and spatial reaction(s) to terrorism: information secrecy v. public information... in courts and other public infrastructures.

Course Description

LAWS 4306 [0.5 credit] (formerly 51.436*)

Criminal Law Issues

Selected issues and problems in the area of criminal law. The topics may vary from year to year depending on demand and interest and are announced in advance of registration.
Prerequisite: fourth-year Honours standing.

Course outline link

<http://www.carleton.ca/law/outlines/f04/4306b-f04-out-moore.pdf >(Cited Decemebr 23, 2004)

Term Paper

Treatment for Addictions: effectiveness and moral aspects in the coercive treatment v. voluntary treatment debate.

Course Description

LAWS 4908 [1.0 credit] (formerly 51.498)

Honours Paper

Students in the BA (Honours) Law or BA Combined (Honours) Law Program may write an Honours paper during their final year under the supervision of a faculty member of the Department of Law. The Honours Paper is evaluated by both the supervisor and a second reader. Students intending to proceed to graduate studies are strongly encouraged to complete an Honours paper.
Prerequisite: fourth-year Honours standing in Law with a law GPA of 9.00 or better or permission of the Supervisor of Undergraduate Studies, and written acceptance by a faculty member.

Course outline link

There was no course outline for tis course as it was an independent essay.


Computer crime: is hacking really that bad? An exploration of the cases and laws concerning unauthorised access to computers.

Course Description

LAWS 2005[1.0 credit] (formerly 51.205)

Public Law

Law relating to the state and its relationship to other legal persons; basic principles of constitutional law, administrative law and selected areas; special features and problems of public law; implications of the expanded new role of modern governments; legal and alternative processes.
Prerequisite: Either LAWS 1000 [1.0] or PSCI 1000 [1.0], or the combination of PSCI 1001 and PSCI 1002, or second -year status or higher in the Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management Program.
Lectures three hours a week.

Course outline link

<http://www.carleton.ca/law/outlines/s05/2005v-s05-out-jaekl.pdf>(Cited September 15th, 2005)

Term Paper

Exploring Judicial Power and the Charter Using the Oakes Case as an Example of Judicial Review.


Visit the school web site.

Visit the Law Department home page.

Computer Ethics (32.214*)(fall 2000)

This on-line course was a first for my university and I was happy to participate in the course and socractic discussions. I did quite well with the course and wrote a web essay about Hacker Ethics.

Computers ethical and unethical actions.



Visit the philosophy department home page.

This Page Last Updated September 18th, 2005.

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