The study in school of geography is a classic subject reaching from public school long talks from the teacher about exploration, to the tour shirts seen on the backs of Music fans. The WWW is helping me explore the areas of geography listed below, more links will be coming, and some could change, so come back, and have a look on another day. Some of the links are other people's web pages some are essay's on the Crystal Computing site. This page is written in English and Estonian.
Human geography [Inimgeograafia ]
Population [Elanikkond]Culture [Kultuur]
- A first year short essay written by the web master.
A few paragraphs about Canadian Culture.
Natives living in other continents than Turtle Island.
History [Ajalugu]- Sami People
- Koryak People
- Evenki People
Political [Poliitiline]
- Exploration Journals
- Travel logs
- Technological diffusion
- Borders
- Elections
- Ideals, nationalism and ethnicity.
- Superpower and Military.
Urban [Linnageograafia]Social [Ühiskondlik]
- Models
- Studies
- Municipal Law
- Sewage, Power and other.
- Water
Economic [Majanduslik]
- Welfare Geography
- Health Geography, link to a map of the stressors in my life
(working locations, school locations, coffee stores and traffic problems)- Disabilities and Geography, The GEOABLE list and researchers and research on disabilities and space. Sorry web page under construction.
Physical geography [Füüsiline geograafia]
Climate [Kliima]Weather [Ilm]
Soils [Pinnas]
Geo morphology [Geoloogia]
Biogeography [Biogeograafia] An short essay about algae and pollution.
Techniques and methods [Tehnika ja meetod]
Maps [Kaardid]GIS
ArcView Esri Canada
Other GIS web spaces
DATA Collections
GRIDA Adrenal On-line Map collection and database
Statistics [Statistika]
Field work [Välitööd]
- ai-GEOSTATS A web site with a discussions e mail list concerning statistics in geology and mining and other geo statistics information.
- An Essay about streams and statistics.
field camp 299 at Carleton University 1984, West Camp, Petawawa forestry research station.
Research Approaches [Erinevad uurimisvõtted.]
Professional Associations
- British Common Wealth
- The Royal Geography Society
- The Institute of Australian Geographers
- The New Zealand Geographical Society
- The Canadian Asssociation of Geographers
- United States of America
The American Association of GeographersEt cetera
This is also the home page for the e-mail list server. Here is the description of that list.:
This is an e mail list for geography and discussions of spatial models. Included would be names of places, business locations, distances, weather or spatial ideas in politics. Intended for those with at least high school level education in geography but inclusive and to be positive at sharing education and knowledge in geography.
For more information, <-- this page here.To subscribe go to this web page:
How I learned about the Internet.
Mathematics publishers links and an essay about computer work on my Freenet home page
Visit the school web site. Visit the geography department home page.