A Cyborg Citizen's Story
This is a blog of radical creative writing about being a cyborg in a cyborg society.
Blog update
Attending Internet Research 14 in Denver
I probably have too many domains.
I have become a professional computer programmer.
Studies going back to legal studies and in particular criminal law and politics.
I have been using Dell Computers lately.
Blogs at CyborgCitizen back online for writing.
I have been fasting for climate justice this past 40 days.
I opened two linux-netbook sites
My latest computers are Dell laptops because of easy financiing.
I voted in the Mountain Equipment Cooperative election again.
The recession and my survival, no strike three
Another computer swap update
An update about the computer swap
I am actually learning to talk statistics and causality errors
The workshop is over. I met some good sisters and brothers in the union movement
I am training with union activists today to use online tools
I built a new PC workstation from parts.
I attended a workshop at MIT the home of much tech origins
I did some computer swapping.
Mourning the Earthquake in China and Cyclone in Burma.
I am still running Linux successfully and now have Vista as well.
The multi-platform household.
Facebook as real person networks
I am now using a Blackberry phone.
The choice of low tech equipment worked this evening with some noise.
I am installing Solaris 10 on a Sun Ultra 5.
I am presenting a paper for the Communications Information and Technology section of the American Sociology Association Mini Conference 3.0 in Second Life.
While not cyber tech I am buying panniers today for my bike.
I am now wearing wireless technology in my shoes.
Structural analysis as network analysis.
Second Life explained.
I am watching video of an American novelist in Second Life played on YouTube
Kurt Vonnegut Jr. has some wisdom about libraries
Cool and funny video in RL of Second life (SL)
I bought a Scottevest jacket and now can wear more electronics.
I did not buy the Xybernaut computer yet.
I managed to make a graph using R of my bank balance for 2006
I am trying to buy a Xybernaut wearable computer on ebay.
Privacy on facebook
I spent a few hours networking on Facebook.
I attended the Montreal Anarchist bookfair.
I am quiting the smoking of tobacco.
Electronic warfare
I am standing up for rights behind a computer screen
I am back with goal setting and organising my time better.
I passed both courses in my first term in grad school.
I am working all week.
I am reading about ten books on cyberculture.
I created a simulation of the labour contract.
I surfed amazon.ca just now.
I am trying to get three different OS's running on my Macbook.
School exams written on computer
I got myself some pannier racks for my road bike.
I am studying economic systems design this weekend.
Here is some interesting research on work conditions in the digital age.
Probability studies continue
A sexist free future or is this impossible?
I have a wearable computer with GPS antenna.
youphone.ca also points here temporarily
My offices in Second Life
More beatings being reported from our local mall security.
A prized possession in the digital age: a computer desk.
Shopping on the internet
I spend long hours on the internet.
Digital music is our life blood
I am studying a course about basic probability to prepare for an advanced course in probability.
The new mayor of our city is suggesting we cut spending.
I signed up for Plaxo contacts management software.
I am updating some union news for our local wobbly branch web site.
Image of myself as pencil necked office worker.
I bought a Canon IP90 printer.
One thesis area I am thinking of exploring is emergency management systems.
I did not buy a wearable computer today.
I am selling off my IBM PC server and have been buying and selling computers all summer.
Studying C. West Churchman systems theorist.
We wobblies are having our general assembly.
I am still wondering about sexism.
Working recently
Dreamweaver and other Mac friendly software
Still reading on social navigation.
I started to read a new field, the field of social navigation.
I read some of Psychiatry and Anti-Psychiatry this morning.
The gendered digital divide really hits home.
I got a free copy of a Marita Moll edited book: Tech High
I am just exploring some of the settings and templates on this blog.
I have been doing more reading about communicating social informatics research.
Non-action, I slept in
I just used plain messages on my protest sign.
There are too many battles in the world today.
I am studying a variety of systems science topics.
I am preparing some Free CD's and DVD's for a school Frosh event on Free Culture.
I sent emails to some Liberal leadership candidates.
I am wondering about job interviews and admissions to university
New carpentry tools.
Printers need shredders which make trees into trash.
I have been admitted to a graduate program in systems science at the University of Ottawa.
I bought a used Powerbook for my wife's publisher.
Hackers as a role for film.
I got my Macbook now and this is my first post to this blog using this new Apple laptop.
Health and safety reading tonight
The Macbook is in the mail or rather Federal Express from Suzhou, China.
My next piece of technology is a Macbook
Added the 'Others' category just now.
I am trying out Second Life and made 1 friend in that system tonight.
I am a bohemian
I am reading something new by Chris Hables Gray.
Television and mood.
I completed reading Cracking the Gender Code
Fedora core 5
I am no longer studying environmental sciences but I did do some green party official unpaid labour in the last 24 hours.
I was able with a little editing to run my old school work in R on a Debian laptop.
I spent May Day on a picket line.
Happy May day fellow workers
My partner has initially accepted that she will have a computer.
Books I am reading the past few weeks.
Would cyborgs get married? And whose parts would matter?
Reading critiques of Wired magazine.
The iBook works.
I completed reading Donna Haraway's famous Cyborg Manifesto.
Stupid lose.
I am figuring out some of my sexisms
I completed reading the ethics paper.
I was wrong about the ethics paper being dry.
I am going to try to read a dry ethics policy paper on internet studies ethics.
Now www.cyborgcitizen.ca points here as well.
Reading today.
I am over worked and tired.
Experimental design inside computers, i.e. simulations.
Building web pages elsewhere today.
www.cyborgcitizen.com also points here now.
I am continuing to read cyberstudies
Protest tomorrow.
Basic law enforcement hacker book
Updating blogs is hard work.
Does the Internet bring families together?
A wobbly was beaten up this week.
The blog is up and running and the opening page for the domain is there.
Welcome to Cyborg Citizen's web blog.
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Recent Posts
Blog update
Attending Internet Research 14 in Denver
I probably have too many domains.
I have become a professional computer programmer.
Studies going back to legal studies and in particular criminal law and politics.
I have been using Dell Computers lately.
Blogs at CyborgCitizen back online for writing.
I have been fasting for climate justice this past 40 days.
I opened two linux-netbook sites
My latest computers are Dell laptops because of easy financiing.
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